The World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence currently presents five awards.

The Best Paper Award is presented to the individual(s) judged by a separate awards committee to have written the best scientific article appearing in the annual conference proceedings.

The Best Student Paper Award is presented to the author of the best scientific article written solely or primarily by a student.

The Best Doctoral Proposal is presented to the PhD scholar of the most promising and organised doctoral proposal.

The Best Industry Paper Award is presented to the author of the best scientific article written solely or primarily by a scholar working in the industry and not an academic institution.

The Best Reviewer Award is presented to the programme committee member of the richest, most precise and most constructive review of a scientific article submitted to the conference.


Best paper awardMaximilian Muschalik, Fabian Fumagalli, Rohit Jagtani, Barbara Hammer and Eyke HüllermeieriPDP: On Partial Dependence Plots in Dynamic Modeling Scenarios
Best industry paper awardGeorgii Mikriukov, Gesina Schwalbe, Christian Hellert and Korinna BadeEvaluating the Stability of Semantic Concept 
Representations in CNNs for Robust Explainability
Best student paper awardJonas Teufel, Luca Torresi, Patrick Reiser and Pascal FriederichMEGAN: Multi-Explanation Graph Attention Network
Best doctoral proposal awardBerkant Turan, Stephan Wäldchen, Kartikey Sharma and Sebastian PokuttaExtending Merlin-Arthur Classifiers for Improved Interpretability
Best reviewer awardPedro Sequeira